1. Engel S.*, Kerns E.V., Weber J.N. No evidence of density-dependent hatch rates in the cestode Schistocephalus solidus. In prep. *Undergraduate mentee

  2. Kerns E.V., Weber J.N. A review and performance assessment of widely used bisulfite sequencing methods and read mapping wrappers for DNA methylation. In prep.

  3. Bolnick D.I.,  Barrett R.D.H., Choi E., Eckert L., Hendry A.P., Kerns E.V., Lind Å. J., Milligan-McClellan K., Peichel C.L., Sasser K., Thornton A.R., Wolf C., Steinel N.C., Weber J.N. Destabilized host-parasite dynamics in newly founded populations. BioRxiv. Doi:

  4. Hardy A.L., Gaither M.R., Lotterhos K.E., Greaves S., Cipolla K.J., Kerns E.V., Trujillo A.P., Gilg M.R. Asymmetrical hybridization and environmental factors influence the spatial genetic structure of a killifish hybrid zone. Evolution. (2024). Doi:

  5. Gilg M.R., Kerns E.V., Gutierrez-Bayona N.E., Kooyomjian C., Hinojosa N.A. Dynamic cohort analysis reveals fluctuating patterns of selection within a hybrid zone between the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis. Evolutionary Biology (2021) Doi: 10.1007/s11692-021-09553-x